New to child care

The decision to return to work with pre-school children still at home is never an easy one for any parent to make and the decision about where to leave your child while you work is an even harder one. Will my child be safe? Will my child be happy? Are the educators going to look after my child with love and affection? Will my child continue to develop into a happy, healthy young person?

Of course no other person can replace a mum or dad in the eyes of a child, and we don’t attempt to replace any parent, but we are keen to work in conjunction with parents to create a safe, healthy and happy environment for each and every child that attends Choklits Child Care. For this reason we aim to keep parents fully informed and involved in their child’s day to day activities. Parents, together with their children, are made to feel welcome and are encouraged to participate where possible.

Our goal is to see each child develop a spirit of independence appropriate to their age and capabilities, have a curiosity about life, a high self-esteem and be able to initiate their own learning.

We provide practical support, assistance and information to parents on childhood development and aim to build mutual trust between all children and between the children and staff.

We develop in children a sense of their own personal uniqueness and respect for others, and ensure they enjoy access to a wide range of creative expression, and more importantly, have fun!

New to child care
Choklits Child Care

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