How the Child Care Subsidy works

How The Child Care Subsidy Works

How the Child Care Subsidy works

The Child Care Subsidy (CCS) is a financial support system for families in Victoria who need assistance with paying for child care. This system was introduced by the Australian Government as part of its broader policy aimed at making child care more affordable and accessible for families. The CCS is designed to support families who need child care services so that they can participate in the workforce, undertake training or education, or attend to other important personal or family responsibilities. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at how the Child Care Subsidy works in Victoria, who is eligible, and what families need to do to apply.

How the Child Care Subsidy Works in Victoria

The Child Care Subsidy is a means-tested financial support program that provides families with financial assistance to pay for child care services. The level of financial support provided to families is determined by several factors, including the family’s income, the number of children in care, the type of care used, and the number of hours of care needed.

The Child Care Subsidy is paid directly to service providers, who then pass on the benefit to families in the form of lower fees. This helps to reduce the overall cost of child care for families, making it more affordable and accessible. In some cases, the Child Care Subsidy may cover the entire cost of child care, depending on the family’s circumstances.

Choklits has a CCS calculator to help families work out how much subsidy they are entitled to, based on individual needs. You are not required to submit an email address or any personal information, the calculator is live and gives you an instant result, access the CCS calculator here.

Once you know your CCS entitlement you can subtract that amount from the child care centre’s fees to calculate your ‘out of pocket’ child care costs which is the amount you’ll be required to pay.

Child Care Fees - Child Care Subsidy = Your Child Care Costs

To be eligible for the Child Care Subsidy, families must meet certain criteria, including:

  1. Residency: The family must be an Australian citizen or permanent resident, or hold a valid visa that allows them to access the Child Care Subsidy.
  2. Income: The family’s annual taxable income must be below a certain threshold. The threshold changes each financial year and is based on the family’s circumstances, including the number of children in care and the type of care used.
  3. Child care usage: The family must be using an approved child care service in Victoria and have a Child Care Subsidy approved place for their child.
  4. Work, training, or study requirements: The family must be participating in approved work, training, or study activities. The number of hours of child care required will depend on the family’s circumstances, including the type of activity and the age of the child.
  5. Approved child care service: The family must be using an approved child care service that is registered with the Australian Government, like Choklits Child Care is.

How to Apply for the Child Care Subsidy in Victoria

To apply for the Child Care Subsidy, families must complete an online application form through the Department of Education, Skills, and Employment’s myGov website. This form requires families to provide information about their circumstances, including their income, the number of children in care, and the type of care used.

Once the application has been submitted, the Department of Education, Skills, and Employment will assess the family’s eligibility for the Child Care Subsidy. If the family is eligible, they will be required to provide additional information to confirm their circumstances. This may include proof of income, or proof of participation in work, training, or study activities.

Once the application has been approved, families will receive a letter from the Department of Education, Skills, and Employment confirming their eligibility for the Child Care Subsidy. The family’s child care service provider will then receive the subsidy payments directly from the government, and the benefit will be passed on to the family in the form of reduced fees.

To read more about How to apply for the Child Care Subsidy, click here.


The Child Care Subsidy is an important financial support program that provides families in Victoria with assistance to pay for child care. If you require help or assistance with anything CCS related please reach out to us at Choklits, our individual services contact details and direct phone numbers can be found here

Choklits Child Care

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