Choklits Activate is here!

We have a real passion for the outdoors at Choklits, so it’s probably no surprise that we also love sport. Aside from the obvious fun, sport and physical education play key roles in children’s developmental areas including; gross and fine motor skills, teamwork and cooperation, social interaction, listening and concentration. Children can also develop greater self-confidence through sport and being active, enhance their self-esteem, develop a sense of achievement and shape their overall wellbeing. Our program called Choklits Activate has been designed to introduce our early learners to the joy and fun of being physically fit and capable through age appropriate and skill focused experiences.

Choklits Child Care & Kindergarten
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Program overview

Choklits Activate incorporates children’s interests while addressing their curiosity about the world around them. Linking, for example, the importance of warming up your muscles before beginning activities on a cold morning with the athletes competing at the olympic games help’s children begin to understand the wider application of basic physical skills. Consideration of what’s best for your body has many positive life-long benefits.

The Choklits Activate program aims to activate children’s love of movement.

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Choklits Activate encourages children to:

  • Develop hand eye coordination
  • Refine gross and fine motor skills
  • Incorporate physical activity in their daily routine
  • Develop an understanding of health and physical wellbeing in relation to safety
  • Develop self-confidence and enhance team participation
  • Get involved and have fun
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Program facilitators

Choklits Activate is facilitated and delivered by specialist teachers. We believe in the importance of movement and the role an active lifestyle plays in holistic growth and development.

Our Educators have delivered successful physical education classes before joining our team at Choklits so they draw on a wealth of experience from different settings when planning the Choklits Activate curriculum. Choklits Activate runs separately and in addition to each rooms curriculum.

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Every Week

Choklits Activate runs every week for all children and is included in our standard Choklits daily fee. Designed to help each child improve their strength, endurance and flexibility, the sessions are tailored to the children’s abilities and is appropriately delivered in all weather conditions, keeping inline with our belief that there is never bad weather, only a bad choice of clothes! 

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